“Fool’s son of a whore’s leper bitch-dog!” scoffed Henngar. “Why this very morning, as the sun asked me for permission to rise, I heard no less esteemed and veracious a man as Matt Lauer proclaim for all the world to hear that the recession comes to a halt, though for no real reason!”
This week’s I Speak Fluent Giraffe sends a warning to all mall food courts: Henngar the Hungry.
Check back next Monday for our next installment. Remember, you can get this and all our other podcasts at the main podcast feed.
Podcast copyright 2010, Tor.com. Story copyright 2010, Jason Henninger. Narrated and produced by Mur Lafferty.
I recently read a book written by Constance O’Day-Flannery “Colliding Forces”. It was published by A Tor Book, published by Tom Doherty Assoc….
I enjoyed the book however the proofreader (if you even had one) did a lousy job! There were so many words used wrong & the grammar was atrocious!!!